After discovering the fantastic new BBC series Sherlock, I wanted to go back and read Arthur Conan Doyle's original. Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson made their first appearance in A Study in Scarlet, available as a free ebook from our Digital Library's "Always Available" collection.
Many screen portrayals have captured Holmes' eccentricities, but none can match the quirks, difficult personality, and brilliance of Doyle's creation. A Study in Scarlet details the first meeting between Watson and the world's only consulting detective, as Holmes helps Scotland Yard solve a series of murders involving poison and revenge.
You can download this title and hundreds of other classic books to your home computer, or transfer them to an EPUB-compatible reader. You will need to download Adobe Digital Editions to access the ebooks. For the Always Available books, you will need to click the Download button, then save the file to your computer (make note of its location). Open Adobe Digital Editions, then choose Library -> Add item to library. The Always Available classic ebooks do not expire and do not count against your checkout limit, so you can check out as many as you want and keep them for as long as you want.
-Michelle (Sunset)