Please note that the new checkout period for ALL formats of our downloadable AUDIOBOOKS will be two weeks, in order to have quicker turnarounds and shorter wait periods. All other items will continue to have a 21 day checkout.
The following types of materials can be checked out and downloaded from the Greater Digital Phoenix Library:
- eBooks in the Adobe® Reader®/Adobe Digital Editions PDF format (eBooks optimized for on-screen reading)
- eBooks in the Mobipocket Reader format (eBooks optimized for on-screen reading & transfer to an array of portable devices)
- WMA Audiobooks in the OverDrive Media Console™ format
- Music in the OverDrive Media Console™ format
- Video in the OverDrive Media Console™ format (note that OverDrive eFlicks is supported as a high-speed Internet-only product)
- (Starting September 2) MP3 audiobooks
To access digital materials at Greater Digital Phoenix Library, you will need:
- A valid library card and PIN
- Access to the Internet
- Free software for the computer and/or device on which you wish to use the material you download from this site