Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Movie Review: Swing Vote

OK, I admit it, I love movies; I will watch a movie over the news or TV any day. In Swing Vote I was not disappointed, I really liked it. I found it to be a cute, feel good movie, mostly a comedy; but, with a serious bent to it as well.
Kevin Costner plays Bud Johnson a divorced, newly unemployed, single dad whose vote will determine who will be the next president of the United States. Kelsey Grammer, Dennis Hopper, Nathan Lane and Stanley Tucci are the two presidential candidates and their campaign managers respectively will do anything to get Bud to swing his vote their way.
Molly, Bud's 12 year old daughter, played by Madeline Carroll, is superb. Molly is the adult and responsible one in this relationship who must get her father to understand what his vote truly means.
This is a movie I wouldn't hesitate to recommend to my friends. I give it a 4 1/2 out of 5 stars.

- Chris K. (Downtown)

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