Thursday, July 9, 2009

Staff Picks

Dana at Hamilton suggests The Lace Reader by Brunonia Berry

A young woman descended from a long line of mind readers and fortune tellers has returned to her hometown of Salem, Massachusetts, for rest and relaxation. Any tranquility in her life is short-lived, however, when her aunt drowns under mysterious circumstances.

Myron at Downtown suggests Some Like it Wicked by Teresa Medeiros

The story of an orphaned girl whose family are Scottish nationalists, Some Like it Wicked is a historical romance for those who like their romances full of sass and steam. After falling for a decorated British Navel officer, Sir Simon Wescott, as a teenager, 20 yr-old Catriona Kincaid is willing to do almost anything to get Wescott, now a disgraced soldier and professional rake, to help her get to the Scottish Highlands and help her brother defend their homeland. "Although he's sworn off his dreams of becoming a hero, Simon can't resist playing knight errant to Catriona's damsel in distress...(from the back cover)"

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