DVD Review: 17 Again
17 Again, released on DVD this summer, will take you back to the good old days of high school, but how good were they really? That is the dilemma Mike O’Donnell, portrayed by former Friends star, Matthew Perry, faces in this comedy about a thirty-something “loser” who goes back to his glory days of “being big man on campus.” Teen heart-throb, Zac Efron, displays his capable acting abilities, as Mike at age seventeen, who must deal with his feelings for his soon-to-be ex-wife, (Leslie Mann) and must come to grips with his own childrens' teen angst and problems, while attending classes with them. Character actor,Thomas Lennon, steals the show as Mike’s nerdy best friend all “grown up” and pursuing the school’s single principal. The movie leaves you with a thankful feeling that you can enjoy adult life, but the same “what if” questions might also nag you about your choices during those pivotal high school years. -Kathy (Sunset)
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