Monday, May 2, 2011

Book Review: Jersey Tomatoes Are the Best

Henry loves tennis, but she's not crazy about her real name (Henriette) and she really doesn't like being from New Jersey. Her best friend, ballet student Eva, tells her she has to learn how to stand up to the jokes, that if she can survive Jersey, she can survive anything, and to just keep telling herself, "Jersey tomatoes are the best." But while Eva seems confident and strong, her real life is spiralling out of control.

Jersey Tomatoes Are the Best is a teen novel that alternates between Henry and Eva, each telling their stories as they navigate their complicated lives, their sometimes difficult parents, and the competitive worlds of tennis and ballet. Like many teen "issues" books, this one takes on weighty topics including anorexia and the pressue to have sex, but the engaging voices of the narrators keep the book always entertaining and never preachy. The author's gift of description is also a plus, and her depictions of the characters' beloved sports made this reviewer - who has never successfully hit a tennis ball in her life - feel as if she was part of the game. - Michelle (Sunset)

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