Monday, March 11, 2013

Book Review: Nano

If someone told you that synthetic nanorobots have been developed that may become more effective than red and white blood cells, you would more than likely  shake your head in disbelief!  That's exactly what I thought when reading Robin Cook's new thriller Nano.  A private nanotechnology firm is creating machines smaller than blood cells that can be injected into the body's blood supply, accomplishing health miracles. Yea, sure, Mr Robin Cook, maybe sometime in the next hundred years.

Not so! A quick investigation on the internet revealed the following: 1) Nanorobotics is an emerging technology field where machines are created close to the scale of a nanometer - smaller than a red blood cell. It is hoped that nanorobots can be programmed to kill cancer cells. 2) Respirocytes are nano machines, tiny mechanical devices designed to operate on the molecular level, which function as artificial red blood cells. 3) Microbivores, invented by Robert Freitas, will function as an artificial white blood cell and can potentially be programmed to attack pathogens such as cancer cells.

Wow! Once again, the master of medical thrillers takes the reader to the cutting edge of science. He also reveals the race between China and the U.S. in this vital field of bio-nanotechnology.  Think you can't read fiction, be entertained, and learn real facts? Read Nano by Robin Cook and think again! - Henry (Downtown)

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