Monday, July 29, 2013

Book Review: The Shining Girls

The Shining Girls is a mix of genres (Sci-Fi, Mystery, Horror), but overall it's Suspense. Sure...there's time travel, but I soon realized that wasn't why I kept reading. I almost gave up on the book about 50 or so pages in. It just didn't grab me in those first few chapters. But then a few additional POVs were introduced and that created a bigger world and I wanted to know all of these people connected. Plus...I discovered Kirby didn't like The Giving Tree and that made me like her even more.

At first, it felt like the time travel was slowing me down, but eventually it kind of fell to the side and I stopped trying to figure it out. Once I did that, the story really kept me interested. Kirby's hunt for her attacker and the way both sides of the story unfold was fantastic. The time travel, of course, reminded me of The Time Traveler's Wife (there the time travel REALLY confused me...with this one the confusion happened less). I recommend reading the physical book instead of an eBook for easy flipping back and forth (because you know you're gonna forget the date of something).

Once I finished the book, I was very happy that I had stuck with it. Great ending, great characters, and great suspense. - Melissa (Downtown)

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