Monday, November 4, 2013

The Book Thief: Join the discussion

What did you think of The Book Thief? Here are two differing opinions of the novel, which comes to the big screen November 8:

An amazing and original story set in Germany during the second world war. It's narrated by Death, who manages to be a wonderful storyteller and shows it has a lot of compassion. If you love books and words then you should read this book. One of my all time favourites. - themadmaiden (Aquabrowser user)

Things that altered my feelings of this book: All the hype (seriously, people REALLY love this book). The misleading title (I thought it was going to be about a girl that stole books and did something with them). The narrator (it probably didn't help that I had just watched the beginning of Meet Joe Black around the time that I started reading it. I just kept thinking of Brad Pitt telling me this story...) - Melissa (Goodreads user)

Join the discussion! Submit your own review, to be shared with other libraries around the world that use the Aquabrowser catalog. After searching the catalog for the book, look for the My Discoveries button in the upper left. Register to create an account (this account is with Aquabrowser, and is separate from your Chandler Library account).

Once you're logged in, scroll down below the book information and above the item availability. You will now see a field where you can write a review or rate the book.

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