Saturday, December 26, 2009

Book Review: The Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher

"Harry Dresden - Wizard. Lost Items Found. Paranormal Investigations. Consulting. Advice. Reasonable Rates. No Love Potions, Endless Purses, or Other Entertainment." So reads the newspaper ad for private investigator Harry Dresden, a wizard living in a Chicago slightly different from the one we know. Harry's adventures take him through a gritty, secretive underworld populated not only by mob bosses but by dark wizards, demons, werewolves - and a magical council that threatens to punish him or execute him for any mistake. And Harry makes a lot of mistakes. This fast-paced series is told through Harry's sharp, sarcastic voice as he tries to fight the bad guys, make enough money to pay his rent, and live something like a normal life. (Each novel is self-contained and you do not have to read them in the exact order.) - Michelle (Sunset)

Book 1: Storm Front
Book 2: Fool Moon
Book 3: Grave Peril
Book 4: Summer Knight
Book 5: Death Masks
Book 6: Blood Rites
Book 7: Dead Beat
Book 8: Proven Guilty
Book 9: White Night
Book 10: Small Favor
Book 11: Turn Coat

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