Monday, November 8, 2010

Books on the big screen

...or small screen. Here's the latest news about forthcoming book-to-movie and televion adapations.

Charlaine Harris’s Harper Connelly books are being considered by CBS for adaptation to a TV series, following the succes of HBO's True Blood, based on her Sookie Stackhouse novels. The 4th Harper Connelly novel, Grave Secret, came out last year.

Shooting on Life of Pi, based on Yan Martel's award-winning novel, will being in January. Director Ang Lee has chosen newcomer Suraj Sharma to play the lead role, in an audition that included over 3,000 other teenagers. (Also available in large type and audio.)

Filming on The Hobbit is scheduled to begin in February, following an agreement reached between director Peter Jackson and the New Zealand actors guild. The movie will be realeased in two parts. (Find the library's many editions of The Hobbit, including commentary and graphic novel adaptations, here. Hint: the original novel is listed as F TOLKIEN or YA TOLKIEN.)

The Help was the top movie story in People magazine. Based on Kathryn Stockett's debut novel, the film is directed by Tate Taylor and scheduled to come out in August 2011. (Find the book, large type, or audio.)

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