Saturday, March 1, 2014

March (Book) Madness

Every March there's one question: Will someone predict perfect brackets? (...maybe it isn't the ONLY question we ask in March.) However, while everyone else is focused on that sport with the hoop, we like to look at what's happening in the book world -- What book will dominate? Will an underdog rise to the top? Below we're sharing a couple of our favorite March (Book) Madness bracket challenges.

The Morning News has hosted The Tournament of Books for the last 10 years. Seventeen books published in the previous year are (arbitrarily) selected to face off in NCAA Tournament-style brackets. The books selected tend to be literary darlings, award winners, critics' favorites, and indie-publishing releases. The winners are picked by judges selected from a wide-range of authors, critics, and readers. The brackets are posted and now we just have to wait as the judges announce their winners for each seed. Which book would you like to see as victor?

School Library Journal's Battle of the Kids' Books has been around since 2008 and includes titles for middle grade, middle school, and high school readers. The brackets are posted and the judges have been selected, but there's still time to vote for the one book that will come back from the dead for the final round -- head over to the Undead Poll by March 9th to cast your vote!

Out of Print hosts Book Madness every March and mixes it up with a different theme each year. This year they are mixing it up with the "Hero vs Villain" theme (will good win over evil?). During a submission period, anyone could submit their favorite hero or villain to fill the brackets. Since it isn't book vs book this year, the Out of Print brackets will progress a little differently -- head to their website to find out more information.

If you're still in the mood for more bracket excitement, check out these:
If we find any more, we'll add them to the list. Don't forget to share your favorite bracket challenges in the comments below!

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