Thursday, July 17, 2008

What You're Reading

Andrea B. (Hamilton) One Church, Many Tribes by Richard Twiss [library doesn't own]
"Richard Twiss offers his suggestions for overcoming the culture clash between Native Americans and the white Christian church. He writes of the church’s mistakes over the past centuries. I actually found this book at Fry’s. I found it interesting because, as a Christian, I always wondered how the white Christian church expected Indians to join after such offenses. Twiss is a Native American Christian pastor. "

Dana M. (Hamilton) The Last Coyote by Michael Connelly
"Explores how family history impact our lives today. Also how the results we search for are not always what we get. "

Jackie P. (Hamilton) The Astonishing Power of Emotions by Esther and Jerry Hicks
"This book gives real life examples of how to use the law of attraction and start feeling better immediately. "

Julie B. (Downtown) The Girl Who Stopped Swimming by Joshilyn Jackson
"Although not as humorous as her prior books, the author has a knack for combining ordinary situations with the unusual for great results."

Lisa W. (Downtown) The Sugar Queen by Sarah Addisen Allen
"Great book! I loved how she linked the sisters together and how each overcame and rose above their circumstances; Chloe learned to forgive, Josey learned to face her fears and Della Lee learned to love and lift another."
& The Host by Stephenie Meyer
"Captivating story of an alien invasion on earth. The plot was good with Wanderer (alien) living in Melanie's (an earth host) body. Melanie is still present within her body and the two must learn to function in the same body simultaneously. Jeb's "home" was fascinating and the story was intriguing as Wanderer chooses to leave the ease and simplicity of her alien life to live among humans. Stephenie Meyer is a great storyteller."

Meagan O. (Basha) Seventh Heaven by James Patterson
"I love the tension that is still mounting between Lindsay and her partner, but I will be sad to see the end of a relationship between her and Joe."

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