Saturday, August 2, 2008

Mummy Movie Critics Crummy

It is this movie-goer's humble opinion that movie critics can be wrong! In fact, when it comes to the current mummy movie- The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor - their comments are just plain crummy, mummy crummy! The Boston Globe says “Third time around, Mummy unravels” and The Chicago Tribune goes even further noting that you may want to “wrap linen over your eyes and nap.” For me, it was just the opposite. I found Tomb of the Dragon Emperor to be highly entertaining, fast-paced, easy to follow, extremely adventurous, and down right hilarious! If you can nap through this movie, you could nap through an earthquake! The musical score and the special effects were a stand-out, and the only fault I can muster might be the casting. Brendan Fraser is perhaps a little young to be playing the father of Luke Ford. So take the Challenge, prove the Mummy critics are crummy, see The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor! -Henry


Molly said...

I've just discovered the Chandler Public Library blog. Thanks for this resource!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Tomb of the Dragon Emperor met everyone's expectations... Brendan Frasier tries too hard to act, so you can tell he's acting