Monday, December 16, 2013

Book Review: What Doctors Feel

What does it feel like to mess up on the job - or to simply be afraid you might? How does it feel to work under crushing stress, or when the people you work with are stubborn, difficult, or even frightening? What if those people are your patients and a mistake might cost them their lives?

What Doctors Feel is an eye-opening account of what it feels like to work under these conditions. Danielle Ofri interviews many doctors about the most stressful, frightening, and shameful incidents of their medical careers, interspersing their stories with many of her own from her long career as a physician at Bellevue. She writes about freezing up as an intern handling a code for the first time, struggling with negative feelings that interfere with caring for difficult or drug-addicted patients, and the long and heartbreaking process of treating a slowly dying woman. What Doctors Feel is a fascinating look at a world many of us have never seen, and might make us look at our doctors in a new light. - Michelle (Sunset)

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